The plan is to build the brains for non-biological beings, effectively “to catch thought in a schema”, or define the “Equation of Intelligence”. It is presented as the YIAV “digital schema”, the result of driving earlier works (Grandmother Turtle, and Design of a Conscious Machine) to be causal mechanism.  The work is closing in on a mathematical computational structure that underlies the essences of human thought, so machines can learn experientially as dogs or even humans do.  The plan is to have experience form forward predictive models of the world, which can improve survival is described.

This is a Video of the YIAV Schemata presentation, presented informally several times at Artificial Generic Intelligence conference, in Oxford 11/2012. It defines a broad class of schemata, of which HaveNWant is a particular instance.
2. YAAGIL 120730 -- Yet another Artificial Generic Intelligence Language 
draft submitted to AGI-12. (YAAGIS 120704)

3. A Gentle Introduction to YIAV and YAAGIL (6 pages), including treatment of the "Deep Horizon" and "Hunger" metaphors. These offer great cognitive powers which HaveNWant attempts to realize.

4. Modeling in Sparse Spaces: YAAGIL from yet another perspective.

5. YAAGIL Cognitive Architecture  for Cogny-Rythms Conference 6/5/13, MIT. The purpose of this poster was to propose a model which might be making the cognitive rhythms that are the subject of this conference. Abstract and Poster  

6. Templar Turtle (Ver 0.1 - very preliminary) This is an attempt at a matrix formulation, and to pin down the equations ultimately found in HaveNWant.

7. The YIA Schema -- a short definition of uni-factals, the heart of HaveNWant. These schemata explore proportional distribution of "want" signals, whereas HaveNWant has one winner that takes all.

8. UniFactals -- An step in the evolutionary development of HaveNWant elements.  The motivational parts are strong in this document, but the implementation has been sharpened.

9. The Nut -- a somewhat mathematical definition of YAAGIL, hilighting the hardest part of the problem being solved.

10. The Inner Loop -- issues involved in computation